ECO Christmas Concert
/in Church News/by gvcadmin
The Emmanuel Christian Orchestra is planning and practicing for their upcoming concert and invites you to attend our Christmas Concert on December 15, 2017, at 7:30 pm in the Emmanuel Canadian Reformed Church in Guelph. We will hold a collection with proceeds to be donated to the ECHS Athletics Program. Hope to see you there, as we make music to the praise of our God!
Rev. P. Feenstra of Grand Valley, ON accepted the call to the by Emmanuel Canadian Reformed Church of Guelph. The transition will take pace some time in the beginning of January.
Grand Valley Canadian Reformed Church now has a Facebook page. This page will provide information pertinent to the life of the congregation.
Please feel free to share this with your friends, neighbours, individuals at work and anyone that might be interested in the happenings of Grand Valley Canadian Reformed Church. Shared on this page are photos, events and information for mutual encouragement and enjoyment.
Unseen Footprints is a devotional by our pastor Rev P.G. Feenstra.
Book Summary
As we travel down the road of experience we don’t always understand why things happen the way they do. Sometimes the path is pleasant and, even though we are not sure what the day will bring, we are thankful for God’s good gifts. On other occasions we are perplexed, shed tears, feel disheartened, discouraged or downcast. There are times when we have difficulty figuring out how to proceed; we feel paralyzed when calamity strikes. The road ahead would be far too difficult if we did not have the perspective of faith. The Lord takes us through the raging storm and cuts a path through the dense jungles of human experience. God’s presence is not visible to the physical eye but He calls us to follow His unseen footprints. In 260 meditations, Unseen Footprints encourages the reader to listen for the sound of God’s footsteps as He makes His way through history, and to follow His unseen footprints.
Unseen Footprints Book Review by Dr. Wes Bredenhof
As a pastor, I frequently get asked about devotional books. To be honest, most of the time, I find it difficult to reply to these inquiries. It’s partly because I fear that devotionals are often a crutch used to replace the hard work of reading and studying the Bible for oneself. I would rather that believers engage the Bible directly for themselves. But the other difficulty is that there are so few good devotional books that can actually be recommended. This book of meditations by Rev. Peter Feenstra certainly provides a remedy to that last difficulty. This is a reliable set of reflections on Scripture….
If you are interested in purchasing a copy, click here.