Latest Past Events

Men’s Society

Grand Valley Canadian Reformed Church 173354 County Rd 25, Grand Valley

Men's Society will be again happening this Tuesday at the church. We didn't get through all the material of chapter 9 of the gospel according to Luke, so we will continue with that. Brad Swaving will be leading the meeting. Hope to see you all there at 7:45!

Men’s Society

Grand Valley Canadian Reformed Church 173354 County Rd 25, Grand Valley

Men's society will be going on again this Tuesday at 7:45 p.m. at the church. Rob VanderWoerd will be leading the meeting. For pre-study purposes, you can read up on chapter 9 of Rev. Stam's book Messiah the Holy One of God. Hope to see you all there.

Men’s Society

Grand Valley Canadian Reformed Church 173354 County Rd 25, Grand Valley

Men's society will be happening again this Tuesday at seven forty-five at the church. We will be studying Luke chapter 7 this week. For pre-study you can read up on Chapter 7 of our study guide Messiah the Holy One of God by Rev. Stam. Hope to see you there!